Wednesday, May 26

Kerry and Bush Merge

The article states , "When it comes to Iraq, it is getting harder every day to distinguish between President Bush's prescription and that of Senator John Kerry."

Well since Kerry began his approach by voting for the war I've had a hard time telling a difference for a long time. Iraq is a big issue and Kerry could gain from it, but won't unless there is a difference.

Others see this merger, too

Kerry Muddles On

If nominated..... well I won't accept because you see I won't actually be nominated. It won't be a nominating convention rather simply a meeting where I will accept while at the same time denying that I am acutally running for President. I will, of course, not waffle, but stake out a clear postion like I did on the Iraq War, which I was for before I became against it, leading to my current muddled indifference, not to be confused with aloofness and under no circumstnaces should you be able to see through my thoughts in a transparnet way.

Too Much?

Some juicy cuts from this article. Suspicions about a new terrorist attack have U.S. spies scrambling (5/31/04).

For instance "Washington is scrambling to react. Last month, U.S. News has learned, the CIA began a massive effort to pull operatives from around the world and redeploy them to Afghanistan and Pakistan, where al Qaeda's base of operations is still believed to be." wait I thought we took care of al Qaeda in Afghanistan. Gee, I thought the terrorists were in Iraq?


"For CIA operatives and special operations troops, the hunt for bin Laden has now all but been supplanted by the urgent assignment to try to thwart a new terrorist attack in the United States. Navy SEAL units are shuttling through the Middle East and Central Asia on three-month rotations, administration sources tell U.S. News, instead of the usual six months, in order to make more commandos available to take part in the mission.

It is, in some respects, a catch-as-catch-can operation. "They're not even close" to having enough CIA personnel in Afghanistan."

Don't have enough personnel? Now why would that be? Maybe they are on a mission- a pointless and fruitless one- elsewhere? Nah, that couldn't be.

John Leo's double standard troubles

Leo's beef is that "the media are more likely to show what is done by American's than to Americans." John Leo: Double-standard trouble (5/31/04) He feel this is a double standard.
I've addressed this. We need to keep our moral standards high. There needs to be the perception of a double standard if we want to cling to the moral high ground. So, in a way I'm sure Mr. Leo did not intend I agree with him.

Carville onto Something

I think James Carville is onto something. Washington Whispers (5/31/04) when he says, " "This Iraq thing is a much bigger event than we think. It's going to change the way people think for a long time." Welcome to my world James.

Hoekstra breaks promise, raises thousands from PACs

Pretty weak Pete. Hoekstra breaks promise, raises thousands from PACs Still he has little to worry about, a safe district and a weak/goofy opponent.

Tuesday, May 25

Modest Mouse - Karma's Payment lyrics

Keep that Karma up to date. Modest Mouse - Karma's Payment lyrics Don't get on the Karma payment plan.

President Outlines Steps to Help Iraq Achieve Democracy and Freedom aka the Plan

We have a plan, although it doesn't sound all that new.President Outlines Steps to Help Iraq Achieve Democracy and Freedom

I noted 2 things. The President said, "We did not seek this war on terror..." If by this war on terror he means the war in Iraq he absolutely did seek it out. Ever hear of hunting the shot in basketball? He and his administration hunted a war.

If he means the overall war on terror including Afghanistan, and other venues he has some justification.

Overall, me thinks he is still in denial. Somehow he thinks he had no choice when he clearly did.

Second, Abu Ghraib prison will be torn down and a new prison built. A symbol of Iraq's new beginning. This even got applause.

Did I miss something? Did the prison walls come alive and torture people? Whether it was Saddam's people or US soldiers it was people who did the deeds.

Myself, I think leaving Abu Ghraib standing and serving as a symbol of past attrocities would be better than tearing it down and flushing it down the memory hole.

Monday, May 24

Report: Rumsfeld bans cameraphones & More

What a joke!Report: Rumsfeld bans cameraphones - (United Press International) Let's blame the cameras! Let's not wory about the atrocities. For if there are no cameras, then there will be no pictures and no worries. So, in addition to how to manage a war the SECDEF misunderstands technology.


This is an interesting word.

While attending a lecture Friday nite I was struck by the speaker saying finitude and infinity. Why don't we say just finity?

Saturday, May 22

It's Here!

Lake Express ferry's 1st trip to Muskegon

Friday, May 21

Anti Curves?

I know this is of interest to man.GetReligion: Reading this piece makes me think that some reason and moderation is being applied. Maybe one side is seeing the other for a change.

Link: Salon Piece

So that's the heavy stuff?

The Heavy Stuff is coming down

Bottled Water Boycott?

Why not. Boycott newsmakers. Heck gas is till cheaper than water in a plastic bottle.

Plastic bottles do end up on the beach

Thursday, May 20

Weather Summary

As of 1307 we've had weather something like this: grey skies, then forboding skies, some prepatory thunder and lightning. Then a deluge of rain. .5 inches like that. Complete with meanancing and close lightning. Smarly I biked to work to beat this. It almost seemed as if it would warm up, with the sun coming out. But, no clingy fog has rolled in and has some staying power.

Officially this is just light rain & mist. Love the governmental understatement.

We might have seen a meanacing sky like this.

Magazine Notes

Monday was a bonus day postal mail wise. Both Outside and Backpacker magazine were in the box. I noted the follwing as I read through them.

"avid outdoor athlete....spends as much time as she can hiking and exploring America's public lands."

I'm becoming ever more avid. I enjoy Michigan's public lands such as the Manistee National forest.

"300 miles north of Fairbnaks and 250 miles from the nearest road."

"Self supported month long slog through the no-man's land of Tibet."

Book is The Big Open

I'll be doing a 3 dayer over Memorial Day.

The cross carryer.

Deadication always draws me.

Marathon monk

This cat had to do things like walk 37.5 miles per day for 100 days etc. I manage maybe 5 miles per day.....

"Expeditions from my trailer home tend to be slip shod and half assed."

Some of my trips are less than fully realized but I don't think as bad as above.

"learned how to live like a dirtbag for $ 40 a day." Well that's $ 14,600 per year FYI.

Dogs need 8 ounces of water per hour of hiking

OK 3 dogs =24 ounces per hour. I carry 2 32 ounce water bottles which is 64 ounces. Going by this I need to refill both bottles every 3 hours.

UUA News & Events:Legal at Last: Julie and Hillary Goodridge Married at UUA Headquarters

The UU's that percipitated the legalization of same sex marriage in Massachussets have been legally married. UUA News & Events:Legal at Last: Julie and Hillary Goodridge Married at UUA Headquarters. Congratulations!

Gee, I Guess I am not religious

According to the State of Texas I am not just abut to be the Vice President of a religious - The Kansas City Star, breaking local news, sports, entertainment, business. Guess I'm not surprised our President is from Texas.

Land Numbers

According to a recent article, Locals oppose park plan - 05/16/04 there are 249,218 acres of officially designated wilderness. This is less than 1 percent of the states 36.4 million acres.

Nationwide Outside Magazine .6% of the US is paved if you count only roads. If you add things such as parking lots, sidewalks etc. 1.29% of the US is paved.

Wednesday, May 19

BookCrossing Article: Putting The Need Into Read

Yes I need to read, yes I 'bout you?
BookCrossing Article: Putting The Need Into Read - FREE YOUR BOOKS!

1st Responders Can't Talk

This is a remarkable piece. Just more evidence that much of what governemnt has done since 9.11 is not worth much. Why emergency responders still can't communicate with each other (5/24/04) New York city and fire can't communicate with each other.

I can't imagaine the same situation in the private sector.

When the Lake Express begins running I imagaine she will have a multiple boat security escort. I suppose this might stop an act of terrorism. I know it looks good for those not paying close attetnion.

What worries me is that there are many more situations-communications wise- like the one in New York. If something does happen the on the ground situation will be goat fuck prone due to operational handicaps.

But hey for the higher ups the security escorts look good. They'll never need to communicate on the ground, so why should they worry?

9.11 commission member agrees

HUUC Welcome May 16 2004

No matter if you read The Bible, The Koran or the Baghavad Gita you are welcome.

Whatever your periodical of choice: National Review, Time, or the Nation you are welcome.

Whether you ask for soda, pop or just Coke you are welcome.

You are welcome here and should be proud of it. Here's a quote from the Bible Matthew 5:47 "And if you salute only your bretheren (brothers, your own people- these are phrases from various bible translations) what more are you doing than others?"

I take this to mean we have a good place here....don't keep the good news in hourse, but rather spread it!


Boy I hope they water the national forest! Otherwise when I go to camp and hike it might not be growing! Nature sure could learn a lesson from sprinkler makers!

Do they water these trees?

Tuesday, May 18 in Prison Scandal

This article is a nuts and bolts piece on the Iraq prison scandal. A quote from the article reads, "The guidelines allow sleep deprivation, forcing prisoners into "stress" positions for up to 45 minutes, and threatening them with guard dogs. "

I'm sure there is some kind of an animal rights issue. That is what is the situation when a guard dog is used in an abusive situation. Bad enough that choice capable humans are involved. Guard dogs- dependant perhaps- being used in the abuse is worse.

It goes onto say, "For instance, MP s are trained to watch if a prisoner flinches when he hears a dog bark. If that happens, says the official, "You can be sure that there's going to be a dog present during the interrogations."

Again I wonder about dogs being used in the way described?

Try Red and Rover

One of my anecdotes to the current horrors is Red and Roverby Brian Basset. I quite enjoy stepping into a time, " where your best friend had four legs, a tail and drools ." Heck I like it so much I have 3 four legged freinds. Not much drool, but a heck of a lot of hair.

Not only can you read R&R in the paper there's now a second book which I've ordered. Of course I own the first. I give them my finest, highest reccommendation!


This piece has a great word sodalities. Orion > Curmudgeon in the Wild > James Howard Kunstler > Cargo Karma: "sodalities". This is defined as a "brotherhood or community. The overall piece also presents an unsual perspective on our modern buy for cheap culture.

The News Crudely

Here'a crude impression of recent news: kill, attack, abuse, naked, suicide bomb, bulldoze, god, allah, kills, senseless, commanders, soliders, kill, kill, kill, coffins, beheading, rush, images, lies, sexual abuse, videotapes, digital images, kill, dead, death, body count, soldiers, generals, killed, civillains, death, too much.

Decline to Sign

A group in Michigan is circulating an anti gay marriage petition.

Another group has started a 'decline to sign' petition. What a great and simple thing. Here's your action: don't sign a petition. Perfect.

I'd say you can chose not to sign because you feel that all people are worthy of full rights, or you can decline to sign even if you don't support gay marriage as an anti gay marriage amendmant would write discrimination into the constitution, an unapealing prospect.

Lawn Freaks

Apparently 1.5 inches of rain in a week is not enough for some lawn fanatics. I'd call them grass fanatics, but that gives pot smokers a bad name! This morning while biking through my neighborhood on the way to work, I saw lawn sprinklers at work!

Monday, May 17

Gas Out Day

Received an email on not buying gas on May 19th. The idea goes something like this, "Therefore may 19th has been formally declared as "stick it up their behind" day and the people of this nation should not buy a single drop of gasoline that day."

That's all well and good but I think essentially meaningless. A fart in the whirlwind type play.

Only way to affect gas prices long term is to reduce demand. A one day deal won't do it.

What might do it? Well, how about buying a bike? That's the option I've taken. Bought a new bike, will ride to work and around town. Long term mass biking does more good than silly 1 day stunts.

Florida Quarter

The Florida Quarter recntly released is one of the best looking. On the left side is a Spanish Galleon. On the right is a Space Shuttle. A good historical contrast to how Florida began and what's currently happening. Also there is a palm tree island. This may not be so accurate if Carl Hiaasen is an authority. This is much better than the bland Michigan quarter

Thursday, May 13

Free Press

Someone wrote to me, "I thought that one of the best things about the United States was supposed to be our free press." I wrote back, "My thoughts on the free's somewhat of a misnomer...the government isn't supposed to abridge the freedom of press. 1st amendmant says nothing about companies doing so."

In other words I think Disney can largely do what they want. If they care more about their bottom line than helping Michael Moore then so be it. If they want to try to surpress this film, I'm Ok with that to.

Do I want Moore's version of the Bush's out there? Yes I do. I don't think Disney is under any obligation to do so.

Moore is popular, one would think that he can find other means of putting his message out. There's always two sides. What Disney doesn't want others may.

An update reveals progress is being made. Looks more and like complaining for the sake of complaining.

Nuts to Inhofe

Sen Inhofe: "I am also outraged that we have so many humanitarian do-gooders right now crawling all over these prisons, looking for human rights violations while our troops, our heroes, are fighting and dying." Was he misquoted? Hardly, this quote comes right from his website.

And here we have it, the double standard in near real time. That's right judge Americans by another standard. Straight from the we are right others are wrong school.

Further Inhofery, "We are spending an awful lot of time worrying about the human rights of a bunch of murderers and terrorists." That's contra to one of the reasons that I get up in the morning, that every person is worthy. You see Senator you're going down a road that ain't as straight as you think. We don't worry about the rights of others, then Americans get beheaded. Our response should be a high one, but leave it Inhofe and we'd go lower!

Talking Points on this issue.

Nuts to Inhofe

Sen Inhofe: "I am also outraged that we have so many humanitarian do-gooders right now crawling all over these prisons, looking for human rights violations while our troops, our heroes, are fighting and dying." Was he misquoted? Hardly, this quote comes right from his website.

And here we have it, the double standard in near real time. That's right judge Americans by another standard. Straight from the we are right others are wrong school.

Further Inhofery, "We are spending an awful lot of time worrying about the human rights of a bunch of murderers and terrorists." That's contra to one of the reasons that I get up in the morning, that every person is worthy. You see Senator you're going down a road that ain't as straight as you think. We don't worry about the rights of others, then Americans get beheaded. Our response should be a high one, but leave it Inhofe and we'd go lower!

Wednesday, May 12

Killing the Buddha leads to....

Yesterday I began reading 'Killing the Buddha'. The first thing I noticed is a red X on the cover. Reminded me of a sermon at my UU congregation about 'X the Unknown' aka God, the Lord, the Divine etc.

Then the first essay, on the Book of Genesis by A.L. Kennedy. She talks about "another familiar guise of God- the Absentee." This is the god of contradictions. This puts us in a "lifelong trap constructed of freedoms..." the whole thing is funny, perhaps funnier if there is God.

That brings to mind the 'Imp of the Perverse' as Jack Shaftoe says in the Baroque Cycle. Which that it actually came from Mr. E.A. Poe.

Or this funny thing called life, which I belive the funny stuff is often courtesy of Mr. Murphy of Murphy's Law fame.

Murphy's Law is: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong". One might think that generally the God of Genesis is not watching over much of anything. Rather his associate Murph is taking an interest in things. His efforts aren't usually positive.

If I am a devout believer in anything it's Murphy's Law. As close to an iron law as I know of.

If things don't go outright wrong, then they'll take longer or they'll be much harder than they appear.

I started with God and Genesis, and I'm where now? For one I'm positing a religious basis for Murphy's Law.

For another I think Murphy's Law can tell us something about deep subjects. Muslim's pray 5 times a day. Maybe devout believers in Murphy's law should pause 5 times a day to contemplate how things can go wrong. Maybe just maybe this can help the fight against Murphy.

Really I think I'm onto something here. Murphy preys on those who fail to pay attention. If you work to be aware in a deep & profound way it should propel you to higher plains. Greater awareness may not foil the inevitable Murphy's Law but it should at the least improve concentration and enjoyment.

Now that I've connected Murphy's Law and religion I must go see what will go wrong next.

This is Justice?

A women "abandons her cats for months in her home without food, water or heat." Eventually she is fined $ 75.

A man drives 5 MPH over the speed limit at 7 AM in Traverse City MI. There are no other cars on the road. The roads are dry. He is fined $ 100.

This is justice?

North Pole

Here's how it feels to reach the North Pole in 2004:

"I felt a huge mixture of emotions today - overwhelming joy and happiness, relief, sadness, frustration that I'm here too late in the season to reach the Canadian coastline. I thought of Dominick Arduin, who died this spring trying to reach the same point. And I thought how strange it is that there's nothing here. It's a bit of ice, just like any other."

Brit skiier Ben Sanders says he counted down with a GPS.

If only, Peary had a GPS!

Kudos to the Wet Ass Chronicles for covering such stories

Truth in Advertising or Not

An enlightening aritcle on how political mud once slung, tends to stick.

Part of the answer to why negative ads is they work as thie piece shows. If people are truly tired of negative ads then they need to become independent, critical thinkers. Otherwise these ads will continue.

Keep American Moral Standards High

The beheading of an American is yet another tragic incident in our new terror driven world. There should be plenty o' outrage. Yet I've already seen comments along the lines that the beheaders will somehow get soft coverage, or be less reviled than the Americans involved in the prison abuse situation.

Well, the moral high ground ain't cheap. If you want to lord over the world as we want to then your standards must be high and consistent. You can't have it both ways, be outraged at the terrorists and then use their style/standards and expect not to be criticized.

Should we expect beheadings from terrorists? Well, they're terrorists, I suppose so. Should we be outraged? Yes, but then again they are terrorists.

What we should do is worry about our own problems. We need not get into a climate where our abuse is measured on a terrorists moral scale.

Weak Stuff from MI Dems

Tonite in Muskegon the Michigan Democrats will carry on our outsourcing. They'll have a town hall meeting at a local library.

Although their plan to 'fight outsourcing' looks OK, the rhetoic being used to sell it is not ok.

This morning I heard a dire sounding sound bite. The essence was that 'foreginers' might see sensitive personal information or read your MRI exam.

The bite was not about the quality of the job. It was pure xenophobic fear of the lowest order. No documentation of the information being misused or harm done.

I guess I am a radical egalatrianist. I think everybody deserves work, even if they don't live in my county or state. I'm even willing to see jobs go overseas if that is the consequences of my beliefs.

Again I don't think their actual plan is bad, especially the portion regarding a tax credit for job creation.

I think they should take this farther and find small businesses that meet these criteria and praise and boost them. Bush is a big biz/corporate person. He's left a hole for the Democrats with small business. I'd rather see a positive message here than a worthless and xenophobic one as above.

Tuesday, May 11

Hummer Owners Complain

Remarkably 22% of people who bought a Hummer complained about poor fuel mileage. So, hummer owner=not a critical thinker.

Call to Prayer Should be Heard

Item: Call to Prayer to be Heard

Hamtramack MI will now hear the Islamic call to prayer from 6 AM to 10 PM. The City Council recently decided this. This was
not an uncontroversial decision.

People aren't happy. But some of the people in opposition- are they serious? For instance are they really worried that the call
to prayer spoken in Arabic will be used to pass information to terrorists? Since they might some people want it broadcast in

Another comment is that as a Christian people shouldn't have someone else's religion called to their attention. Well, how about
atheist, Buddhists or Jews who have to hear the bells ring at Christian churches.

More vitriol here.

In curiosity I looked up prayer times for Muskegon on May 11th. They are:

Fajr 4:50
Dhuhr 13:42
Asr 17:41
Maghrib 20:59
Isha 22:34

I'd think that looking to your spiritual self 5 times a day is never a bad idea. I'd also think that allowing others religions to be practiced can only be good for you.

Monday, May 10

Item: Need an RMA

Item: Need an RMA

From an undisclosed location receive a request for Return Merchandise Authorization on 'How to Become a Ventriloquist'
The Dick who was returning it gave 'Not needed anymore/fooled 'em again' as the reason for the return.
