Wednesday, May 12

Weak Stuff from MI Dems

Tonite in Muskegon the Michigan Democrats will carry on our outsourcing. They'll have a town hall meeting at a local library.

Although their plan to 'fight outsourcing' looks OK, the rhetoic being used to sell it is not ok.

This morning I heard a dire sounding sound bite. The essence was that 'foreginers' might see sensitive personal information or read your MRI exam.

The bite was not about the quality of the job. It was pure xenophobic fear of the lowest order. No documentation of the information being misused or harm done.

I guess I am a radical egalatrianist. I think everybody deserves work, even if they don't live in my county or state. I'm even willing to see jobs go overseas if that is the consequences of my beliefs.

Again I don't think their actual plan is bad, especially the portion regarding a tax credit for job creation.

I think they should take this farther and find small businesses that meet these criteria and praise and boost them. Bush is a big biz/corporate person. He's left a hole for the Democrats with small business. I'd rather see a positive message here than a worthless and xenophobic one as above.


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