Wednesday, May 26

Too Much?

Some juicy cuts from this article. Suspicions about a new terrorist attack have U.S. spies scrambling (5/31/04).

For instance "Washington is scrambling to react. Last month, U.S. News has learned, the CIA began a massive effort to pull operatives from around the world and redeploy them to Afghanistan and Pakistan, where al Qaeda's base of operations is still believed to be." wait I thought we took care of al Qaeda in Afghanistan. Gee, I thought the terrorists were in Iraq?


"For CIA operatives and special operations troops, the hunt for bin Laden has now all but been supplanted by the urgent assignment to try to thwart a new terrorist attack in the United States. Navy SEAL units are shuttling through the Middle East and Central Asia on three-month rotations, administration sources tell U.S. News, instead of the usual six months, in order to make more commandos available to take part in the mission.

It is, in some respects, a catch-as-catch-can operation. "They're not even close" to having enough CIA personnel in Afghanistan."

Don't have enough personnel? Now why would that be? Maybe they are on a mission- a pointless and fruitless one- elsewhere? Nah, that couldn't be.


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