Thursday, May 13

Nuts to Inhofe

Sen Inhofe: "I am also outraged that we have so many humanitarian do-gooders right now crawling all over these prisons, looking for human rights violations while our troops, our heroes, are fighting and dying." Was he misquoted? Hardly, this quote comes right from his website.

And here we have it, the double standard in near real time. That's right judge Americans by another standard. Straight from the we are right others are wrong school.

Further Inhofery, "We are spending an awful lot of time worrying about the human rights of a bunch of murderers and terrorists." That's contra to one of the reasons that I get up in the morning, that every person is worthy. You see Senator you're going down a road that ain't as straight as you think. We don't worry about the rights of others, then Americans get beheaded. Our response should be a high one, but leave it Inhofe and we'd go lower!

Talking Points on this issue.


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