Thursday, May 20

Magazine Notes

Monday was a bonus day postal mail wise. Both Outside and Backpacker magazine were in the box. I noted the follwing as I read through them.

"avid outdoor athlete....spends as much time as she can hiking and exploring America's public lands."

I'm becoming ever more avid. I enjoy Michigan's public lands such as the Manistee National forest.

"300 miles north of Fairbnaks and 250 miles from the nearest road."

"Self supported month long slog through the no-man's land of Tibet."

Book is The Big Open

I'll be doing a 3 dayer over Memorial Day.

The cross carryer.

Deadication always draws me.

Marathon monk

This cat had to do things like walk 37.5 miles per day for 100 days etc. I manage maybe 5 miles per day.....

"Expeditions from my trailer home tend to be slip shod and half assed."

Some of my trips are less than fully realized but I don't think as bad as above.

"learned how to live like a dirtbag for $ 40 a day." Well that's $ 14,600 per year FYI.

Dogs need 8 ounces of water per hour of hiking

OK 3 dogs =24 ounces per hour. I carry 2 32 ounce water bottles which is 64 ounces. Going by this I need to refill both bottles every 3 hours.


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