Lawn Crusader
While out walking one of my dogs was kicked by a weary old law crusader. The old boy was absolutely irate that Gatsby had pissed
on his flowers. Actually he pissed on the tree near the flowers. As an aside, dogs have pissed on trees for hundreds of years and
they look to be growing just fine to me.
As we walked an old codger opened his door and stated a berating on the subject of dogs pissing on his flowers. Gatsby being a
friendly sort strolled over to make friends. That's his solution to most anything.
The angry old man stood on his front stoop. As Gatsby reached him, he hauled off and gave Gatsby a full force boot. Gatsby is a 60 pound dog, high on muscle. The kick didn't hurt him much.
Frankly he's luck Gatsby is a kind dog. Otherwise Gatsby and his health jaw of teeth could have had a chunk of old nabob for a snack.
It angered me just a little. I maintained some self control and didn't strike the old dumbass in return. Rather I told him to go inside before he embarrassed himself.
He nattered on. I said a few things but mainly just kept walking. By kicking Gatsby he's lowered himself to a point where I'd rather not sully myself by speaking to him.
People just can't let others be. People need to let it go about their lawns.
This added another item to list headed: reasons to get out of the city.
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